Wayfaring Stranger

by Richard Tillinghast



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60 pages, July 2012
Published by Word Palace Press
Designed by Benjamin Daniel Lawless

“More outward-looking and international-minded though he is than most contemporary American poets, Tillinghast nonetheless registers his country’s history on his pulse…. In sinewy lines and solid stanzas — fruits of a lifetime’s devotion to the craft — Tillinghast’s most recent poems, undoubtedly his finest to date, fuse a sobering sense of mortality with the exhilaration of renewal, indeed rejuvenation, through love.”
~ Dennis O’Driscoll

Richard Tillinghast is the author of ten books of poetry and four of creative non-fiction. His most recent poetry books are Selected Poems, 2009, and Dirty August, translations from the Turkish poet Edip Cansever, also 2009, in collaboration with his daughter, Julia Clare Tillinghast. In 2008 his third non-fiction book, Finding Ireland, was given ForeWord magazine’s Best Book of the Year award for travel essays. Having taught at Harvard, Berkeley, and the University of Michigan, he retired in 2005 and spent the next five years living in Ireland. He was a 2010-11 Guggenheim Fellow in poetry. He currently divides his time between Tennessee, Hawaii, and California.

Published by Word Palace Press, designed by Benjamin Daniel Lawless