Poet’s Day In

Poet's Day In: Readings every third Saturday, over video chat.

Subscribe to monthly updates and invitations to the readings (one or two emails a month, no spam). Read the archives of the email newsletter here.

Upcoming Meeting Info Agenda
Every Third Saturday, 10:30am PT Open Reading - Sign Up and Find How to Access Here

Poetry Community Bulletin Board

Ongoing updates
Read two new poems from Kevin Patrick Sullivan at Dashboard Horus, published March 21, 2022. I’ve had the pleasure of designing both his books The Space Between Things and Under Such Brilliance
B. Misty Wycoff has a brand-new site and is hosting a podcast with 2-minute readings of her poetry.
Issue #21 of Black Fox Literary Magazine is out celebrating it’s 10th anniversary, and the cover art is by our very own Patti Sullivan. See the cover at BFLM’s site. I had the pleasure of designing Patti’s book For the Day.
Hear Benjamin Daniel Lawless on a weekly podcast about science and science fiction: The Science Faction Podcast.
J. (StarLitWriter) has a Patreon! Read some of her writing and watch or listen to some of her performances.
Ivan BrownOtter’s posthumous collection of poetry The Sky Where the Sea Should Have Been is now available. More info here.

  List of Previous Featured Readers
6/18/22 Margaret Lange - Nipomo poet, host of “Sky World Poetry” and “The Spoken Word” on Excellent Radio.
6/19/21 Joseph Ross - Author of Raising King, ACHE, and others, in honor of Juneteenth. More about Joseph on his website.
10/17/20 Evy Cole - Author of Consider.
9/19/20 Leslie St. John - Author of Beauty Like a Rope. More about Leslie on her website.